In my original conceptualization I talked about how hope might be measured in units of brightness, as shown in 2 Nephi 31:20. I would like to refer to that verse again today, but in the context of what I call "The Formula for Eternal Life." Here's that verse again:
Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father:
Ye shall have eternal life.
Ye shall have eternal life.
In this verse, Nephi gives this formula in what I like to call a "nesting pattern." This means that the verse presents a simple covenant, but then also fills in one end of the covenant with more details connected to it. So, we see the formula or covenant for eternal life in simple form:
Now, one might say that this is really an "if-then" statement, and not a true equation; however, when we further define "endurance" as informed by Nephi, the formula takes shape:
Now, let's break down "press forward" and "feasting" a little further:
PRESS FORWARD = Steadfastness + Hope + Love
Steadfastness = commitment, courage, dedication, diligence, loyalty, obedience
Hope = faith in true principles informed by the Spirit + looking toward future blessings
Love = (for God and all men)
FEASTING = Study the words of Christ
PRESS FORWARD = Steadfastness + Hope + Love
Steadfastness = commitment, courage, dedication, diligence, loyalty, obedience
Hope = faith in true principles informed by the Spirit + looking toward future blessings
Love = (for God and all men)
FEASTING = Study the words of Christ
Now, this is all interesting on paper (or screen, as it were), but what are we to do about it? The way I see it, the answer lies in how we define our variables. "Steadfastness" means that we should be committed to a cause, having courage, being unwavering. "Hope" can mean a faith in true principles, which is informed by the Spirit, which looks forward to future blessings. "Love," as Nephi stated and Matthew recorded, should be for God and all men, which love constitutes the two great commandments described by the Savior himself. "Feasting on the word of Christ" connotes an active, even voracious study of the scriptures, where Christ's word can be found. This may also include studying the words of God's chosen prophets, as well as seeking divine revelation through sincere prayer.
Basically, this whole hullabaloo boils down nicely into this one scripture:
Basically, this whole hullabaloo boils down nicely into this one scripture:
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. --John 14:6
I have a strong testimony that this is true. The ideas of "endurance" and "eternal life" may seem general or even vague, but all these ideas are encompassed in the macro-level effectiveness of Jesus Christ, and the Atonement which he wrought for all of us. The Atonement is infinite--when applied, it covers the sins, misgivings, weaknesses, pains, and trials of all people who ever lived or who will ever live on this earth and on all worlds which have been created or will be created. That is not just a lot, it is everything! If we endure, we are promised eternal life, which also includes that "everythingness." How grateful am I for this knowledge, and that as I strive to endure, strive to hope for that eternal real estate, showing love to all those whom I contact, I can have it, as long as I always acknowledge how I got there. I love the Savior, and will ever be grateful for His example and love for me.
Have a great week!
Have a great week!
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