Sunday, March 21, 2010

On Becoming a Righteous Priesthood Holder, Husband and Father--PART I

I have had the desire to write on this topic for quite some time now. It began almost three weeks ago, sitting in my cube after work, trying to decide what to study on. Lately at work I have been quite intrigued by a systems approach to psychology, and at times, have become quite frustrated by systems. So, I decided to search "system of the Lord" on I almost blindly chose two talks to read: "The Governing Ones" by Elder William R. Bradford, and "For Whatsoever a Man Soweth, that so Shall He also Reap" by Elder L. Tom Perry. I was soon flooded with inspiration on where to take a future theme. But this blog is not about me; it's about the doctrine.

Both of these talks were given thirty years ago. The fact that they are applicable even today is a testament to the inspiration of the those who gave them , as well as the timeless nature of the Gospel in general. It is true. This much I know. Elder Bradford directed his words the the brethren of the priesthood, those who are to be the "governing ones" in the Church. He described three aspects in which the brethren govern: the individual, the family, and the institutional church. As Elder Bradford is one bold character, I decided to pull excerpts from his talk, and let them speak for themselves:


Holding the priesthood means being commissioned by the Lord to act as he would act if he were here personally. Is your television habit compatible with that holy commission? If you have a twenty-hour-a-week television habit and would repent and convert it into a gospel-study habit, in one year you could read the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the entire Bible. In addition, you could read Jesus the Christ, The Articles of Faith, Gospel Principles, the basic priesthood manual, the basic women’s manual, the basic children’s manual, all three volumes of Doctrines of Salvation, The Miracle of Forgiveness, The Promised Messiah, and Essentials in Church History, and could then reread the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. This would still leave time to read the Ensign,New Era, and the Friend each month and the Church News each week. This is based on your ability to read only ten pages an hour. The average person can read twenty pages or more an hour. If you are average, this leaves you with ten hours a week to govern yourself in other kingdom-building activities, such as keeping a personal journal, genealogy and temple work, improved home teaching, welfare services, civic and patriotic involvement to protect our freedom, and much more. I repeat: “Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.


How, then, do you govern the family? By virtue of the priesthood. “By persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;

“By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile—

“Reproving betimes with sharpness when moved upon by the Holy Ghost” (D&C 121:41–43).

You teach fasting and prayer. You teach the doctrine contained in the holy scriptures and encourage individual private study of them on a regular basis. You involve yourself in and teach the steps of repentance. You obey the commandments and teach them. You serve one another. The pattern of a home- and family-centered gospel-living system is then established: faith in Christ, repentance, keeping the commandments, and rendering service to one another. This system meets all of the temporal and spiritual needs of the family members at every age level.


This is the institutional Church. It organizes the volunteer services of the members of the Church into programs and auxiliaries designed to be a resource to individuals and families. These programs and auxiliaries are to be governed by and be auxiliary to the priesthood. Members called to serve in them should submit to this government. These programs should never become powers unto themselves. If they do, we create a chapel-centered gospel-living system, rather than a home- and family-centered gospel-living system. This is not the Lord’s way. He has taught the process. His charge is to teach, expound, exhort, baptize, and watch over the Church. Visit the house of each member, and exhort them to pray vocally and in secret and attend to all family duties. Be with and strengthen them, and see that there is no iniquity in the Church, neither hardness with each other, neither lying, backbiting, nor evil speaking. And also see that all the members do their duty (See D&C 20:50–51, 53–55).

As the governing ones, make no mistake about it, this decree was made to the priesthood. We love and need the auxiliaries. They are staffed by great, faithful servants. But the very name by which they are called, auxiliary, which means “helper,” should make it clear to us that the full weight of governing the Church rests squarely upon the priesthood.

If an individual or a family needs help in the process that will bring about their temporal and spiritual salvation, it is the responsibility of the priesthood. As the priesthood needs help in this work, and it will, it will call upon the resources of the auxiliaries.

The time must quickly come when, as the governing ones, we fully shoulder our responsibility as the shepherds of Israel. Our work must not be done by the restrictions of the calendar or as convenient to the schedule of our habits, but on a need basis.

Brethren, in some things there remains a considerable distance between what we are and what we should become.

That we may understand and fulfill our roles as the governing ones, in lockstep with our living prophet, who is the mouthpiece of God, I plead, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Master, amen.

We have established three aspects that in which we must fulfill our duty as priesthood holders. For those of us who are not priesthood holders, make no mistake--you have the duty of upholding the priesthood, who by nature do not live in a vacuum. We are met with opposing forces every hour, and have been charged with facilitating the gathering of Israel. This can become overwhelming, if not for the support of righteous sisters. It is my hope that this week we can all think on this "system of the Lord," for as it turns out, that's exactly what it is. May we all magnify our callings; may we all stay true to the faith which our fathers have cherished, for which martyrs have perished.

Have a Great Week! Tune in next week for Part II!

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