My thoughts this week revolve around the construct of relativism. Relativism is the increasingly popular idea that there exists no absolute truth, and that change is the only constant. In its extreme forms, relativism espouses the complete lack of espousal, that is, the lack of standards, which ultimately leads to a universal acceptance of anything as right, as one's judgment is unjustly skewed by bias and other personal experience. I have personally seen the beginnings of relativism in the lives of those around me, and feel sad for a world that neglects some of the most essential life values. My words go out to those who perhaps long ago became disillusioned with the idea of values, who were forced to choose their own without any light to guide them by. My words also go out to those who were raised on relativism, chose their lives, but find themselves in conflict, or without peace and rest in their lives. And finally, my words go out to those who will actually read this--those who have firm value systems, but may know someone or many people who seem to navigate the tumultuous waters alone.
First let me say that God does exist. He is a perfect Being in every way: in body, in mind, and in spirit. He knows each and every one of us personally, even more than we know ourselves. He knows our foibles, and He knows our deepest, darkest secrets that we dare not divulge until our dying day.
But amidst our imperfection, He loves us so dearly and perfectly that He wants us to live in ultimate peace and happiness with Him after we gain experience during our life here on Earth. He has provided many tools for us to use in order for us to accomplish this, the primordial tool being sincere prayer. It is my testimony that we can kneel down, speak to our Heavenly Father, and that He will listen to and answer our humble pleas. God wants us to obey His commandments, and we can show our love to Him through our obedience. Essential to this plan is the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which comprises His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, as well as His suffering and death on the cross at Calvary. Through the Atonement we may be freed from the toils and strife of daily life, and be lifted of the burden that sin brings upon us.
Now, this may be a lot to take in, but let me assure you that believing in God is not a cultural fad, and believing that He plays an active role in our lives is not an easy way to explain coincidence, or any other life events that we do not fully understand. Many may say that God does exist, but that He takes no interest in our day-to-day lives. I assure you that He does care, insomuch that He lets us make our own choices, and He lets us suffer the consequence of those choices. This occurs so that we may turn to Him in humility, looking to then keep His commandments and serve His children.
To help us positively cope with hardship, Heavenly Father has placed us in families, that we may live together, love together, and learn together. He also from the beginning of time has called prophets, special men who receive direct revelation from Him for us. Prophets are like lighthouses, illuminating the path which we should follow. Often the people reject their counsel, for the people often find their counsel difficult to bear. But God will always call another prophet, as He did in the early 1800s, calling Joseph Smith to be the first prophet in the modern era. God has continued to call prophets, Thomas S. Monson being the Lord's servant in actuality.
Prophets testify of Jesus Christ, that He is the literal Son of God and Savior of the whole world. I know this to be true. I know that Christ suffered for our sins that we might repent, come unto to Him, and follow His teachings. Christ taught ultimate truth; it exists, and will ever exist for the eternities. The Savior taught us to love God with all our hearts, and love those around us in that same fashion. This is absolute truth. I know this because I have felt it in my own life. I have felt the Spirit of God testify to me through peace, calm, and through logic that love and obedience are the true pathways to happiness.
Now, it doesn't take perfection to receive this witness for ourselves. In fact, as was earlier noted, Heavenly Father wants us to turn to Him as broken beings. We can feel of His presence through a simple prayer of faith, asking for an answer. It is my testimony that He will not leave us alone if we let Him in.
I could go on forever about this, but suffice it to say that relativism at its core is in opposition of our eternal purpose as children of our Heavenly Father. We all need something to hold onto, something from which to define ourselves. May we seek the Lord in our times of need, and in the times that we feel we don't need Him. May we have faith that God will answer our prayers, and that he will guide us through all the trials that beset us in this earthly experience.
Have a Great Week!
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