The first that we learn of Helaman is when is father, Alma the Younger, gives him counsel in Alma 36-37. I gleaned two imprtant points that we should note: 1) The importance of conversion and 2) the importance of record keeping. The bulk of chapter 36 is dedicated to the relation of Alma's conversion story, and one must wonder why he used the space to include it in such detail, and why it was directed to Helaman. My thoughts are that Helaman needed to understand what it took to arive at full conversion, so that he could help others, and have confidence in his impending calling as prophet. In like manner he needed to understand the sacred nature of the records, because he would be their keeper upon Alma's death.
We see that the main purpose for writing to Helaman was to prepare him. Interesting to note is that this occured apparently while Helaman was still "in his youth" (Alma 37:35), which made me wonder what it was about "youth" that makes it such a pivotal time. I looked at the footnotes which led me to Ecclesiastes and Lamentations. From those scriptures I surmised that youth is a time when we are able to change perspectives, and when we can carry more burdens. The biggest burden is "learn[ing] to keep the commandments of God," which takes repenting and refining and learning to trust in the Savior. Suffice it to say that Helaman did learn in his youth, and refined his character into a person who is still quite worthy of emulation. Here are some traits that we can emulate from Helaman:
- He acted upon instruction that he received (Alma 45:22)
- He was a stalwart leader even in times of strife and turmoil (Alma 45:22-24)
- He had a knowledge of the importance of covenants (Alma 53:14-15)
- He was a kind, loving patriarch (Alma 56-57)
- He put others before himself (Alma 53:22)
- He saw the Lord's hand in his life (Alma 57:26)
I encourage you to search these scrptures, and find out for yourself about the man behind the 2000 Stripling Warriors. It i my testimony that we may look to the prohpets of old as well as the living prophets to guide our lives.
Have a Great Week!!
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